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January 2023! Upcoming show:

The Joinery, opening night, Friday, January 27th, 5-8pm.

922 SW Yamill, Portland, OR 97205

Parking garage:  Smart Park, 730 SW 10th; kjirsten’s streeet parking tip with a lil walk: SW Taylor and 14th


Video from previous September show where I had space to create a full poem made from individual pieces:  Slabtown


The “turn”:

My show from April 17, 2017 at Visage featured my “turn” off my manuscript, an unnarrated self, and into my i-series.

This series contemplates the becoming between us as i’s, and multiple i’s at that. These new pieces feature a new focus on the abstract design of my philosophical thought as opposed to my older pieces which tried to “break into” language in order to see its secrets.

Check out the images and interview at

While I am continuing to experiment with heightening the visual impression of philosophy with my large pieces, I am also starting to experiment with smaller pieces in order to make them more marketable. New smaller and more affordable pieces are appearing, click on “the art” tab!


The agent:

I am proudly an artist supported by HOWARD, driven by Jeffrey Howard, local art curator and art agent. Please visit the work of his 50+ artists that live and work along the West Coast:


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